Welcome to the Tiger community!
Our online Registration System for new students is digital, easy and fast. Please read the information below and register your new student(s). Families who live within the school district can register online. Families living outside the school district are welcome to apply for open enrollment.
Please gather the following information before your apply.
- Household information - address and phone numbers
- Parent/Guardian information - work and cell phone numbers, email addresses
- Student information
- Emergency Contact - two non-parent contacts - addresses and phone numbers
- Health and Immunization Information
- Proof of Residence for new families - Utility Bill, Driver’s License, or other document containing address
- Student Birth Certificate for new students
- Early Childhood Screening Information for incoming kindergarten students
- Early Childhood Screening is required for entrance in Minnesota’s public schools or within 30 days of enrollment into kindergarten.
- Early Childhood Screening is offered through the Community Education Office at 763-972-6210.
If you do not have access to a computer or email address, you can contact the appropriate school office for available options.
Enroll Today!
Please contact the appropriate school:
763-972-6210 ext. 1102
Elementary School (K-3)
763-972-6200 ext. 1312
Intermediate School (4-6 gr)
763-972-7602 ext. 1512
High School (7-12 gr)
763-972-7601 ext. 1712
Open Enrollment
Bobbie Dahlke
Homeschool Services
Mary Reeder